Nope, I'm not.

Archive for January, 2009

He’s History!

The Illinois State Senate has just voted unanimously (59-0) to impeach Gov. Rod Blagojevich and to never allow him to hold public office again.

Hopefully this is just the beginning, and we will root out each and every dirty politician in Illinois. Just because we rid ourselves of the guy with the hair, doesn’t mean all is now peachy in Illinois. Blagojevich wasn’t working alone, and he’s not the only politician who resorts to “Pay to Play” politics.

No matter what side of the political fence you are on in Illinois, we need to demand better.

Gov. Blagojevich, You Don’t Have To Go Home, But You Can’t Stay Here

I honestly do not understand what Rod Blagojevich thought he would achieve, running around New York, from talk show to talk show, including The View, when he couldn’t even be bothered to show up at his own impeachment trial. He can answer Larry King’s questions, but not ours? Is Blagojevich’s purpose to make himself and Illinois a laughingstock to the rest of the country? Perhaps he is looking for sympathy from bamboozled homemaker set. I say bamboozled, because only a sucker would fall for Blagojevich’s pack of lies.

What’s funny is somehow he suckered Geraldo Rivera into believing his BS. Geraldo, don’t you even bother to fact check, before you go around repeating Blagojevich’s lies? Now he AND Geraldo claim he cannot get a fair trial, he continues to lie about Illinois’ impeachment proceedings, as if no one in the media is going to point out, that Governor Blagojevich will indeed be impeached according to Illinois law.

This is no horse-thief trial Gov, these are proceedings to decide if you are fit to run the state. It’s pretty obvious, you are not. For God’s sake, you were not even IN the state, which you claim to be able to govern.

A lot of people in Illinois want to know if it is us, the Illinois taxpayers, who paid for Blagojevich, his staffers and security to live it up, like some sort of celebrity plugging a movie, in order to spread ridiculous lies in the State of New York, where they haven’t a clue as to how things work here in Illinois?

While Governor Blagojevich claims he’s looking out for the best interest of Illinois residents, he continues to waste the state legislature’s time, and hurt our state in the process. Apparently seven percent of Illinoisans want to keep our governor, while the rest of us just want him to resign. He claims we are setting a dangerous precedent by impeaching him, then why doesn’t he resign and show the people of Illinois that he has our best interest at heart, instead of backing us into a corner, forcing our legislature to remove him.

Governor Blagojevich, you are a selfish and insane man; you have put your needs above the people of this state. Any sympathy you might have gained, has been lost and has now turned to anger, by your refusal to step aside.

Rush Limbaugh and Osama Bin Laden, Traitors Separated At Birth?

With millions of Americans unemployed, our youth dying in Iraq for an astronomical cost and corporate lobbyists having a greater political voice than us, the American people, you, Rush Limbaugh hope the president that the American people elected to correct eight years of failure, FAILS? 

After having criminals in the White House for eight years, dismantling our constitution, you now hope the president we elected to clean up all the damage these two criminals have wreaked upon our country, FAILS? 

How are your sentiments any different than someone who is against the war in Iraq, saying they hope we lose? I can be against the war in Iraq, but I certainly don’t wish it to go badly. Somewhere in the process of losing, more American soldiers would be killed. If the president fails, that means more people suffering under the repercussive weight of criminal acts perpetrated  by George Bush and Dick Cheney. You can be pissed off that we elected President Obama, but wishing for his failure which would lead to more Americans suffering, is pretty selfish. 

Much like my own Gov. Blagojevitch, you place your ego above the needs of the American people and you disgust me, more than you’ve ever disgusted me before, and that’s saying something! Thank God the only people you have power over are your dittoheads.

It must be nice to earn so much money as to be completely removed from average American people who live on a budget, who are losing their homes, the elderly who might not even be able to afford dog food to eat, the sick who have no choice but to seek medical attention at emergency rooms because they have no alternative or health insurance. What’s the matter Rush, are you worried you’ll have to have to finally pay your fair share of taxes? Will that not leave you with enough money for oxycontin?

What would make YOU happy, Rush? More people out of work? More people without a roof over their heads? More dead and wounded in Iraq? How about a complete economic collapse then?

When you say you hope the efforts President Obama undertakes to make this country a better place to live for ALL Americans, not just YOU, actually fails, you sound an awful lot like Osama Bin Laden.

As far as this American citizen is concerned, you speak like a traitor to the American people no matter how you MEANT those words, because anyone who would prefer the success of an ideology over the success of the American people is a flat out, Un-American jerk. I don’t generally like the term Un-American, but this time it’s the best word for the job.

You remind me of the two rich old guys in the movie “Trading Places”, who bet on the survival of Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd after having their lives turned upside down. By the way, Rush, you’re the meaner old guy. You’ve confused us, a nation of people, with a nation of pawns in an ideology experiment. 

I DO love this country. How many places can someone have the freedom to spout quasi-treasonous rhetoric, to an audience of millions, while their head is shoved completely up their ass, while somewhere else a soldier is fighting, supposedly for your freedom to do it?

The Inauguration of President Barack Obama – The Big Picture –

This is a beautiful collection of photographs taken during the Inauguration in Washington D.C. and other parts of the world:

The Inauguration of President Barack Obama – The Big Picture –

Chicago Winter Chair Ritual On The Decline?

Winter-time in Chicago means many things to many people, but to all Chicagoans it means snow and chairs left in shoveled out parking spaces. Are these chairs left out for the casual passer-by to stop, rest and have a leisurely look around the neighborhood? No, but I do think it would be fun to play a block sized game of musical chairs, the passing traffic would add to the challenge. Maybe motorists could join in the game by pretending they are going to hit players with their cars, but I digress.

I have never understood the mentality of a person who places a chair in a public parking space, in order to save that public space as their own. Is the chair some sort of implied threat, “park in my space and I’ll hit you with this chair?” People who weren’t lucky enough to have a spare chair in their car, pocket or purse to stake an empty parking space were just out of luck. The chair-less were forced to drive the neighborhood streets, looking for a spot where someone left their space and forgot to move their chair back from the lawn to the street.

I have noticed considerably less chair-leavings this winter, and it disturbs me. I wonder what has happened to that Chicago Winter Parking Attitude of Self-Entitlement? It used to be that you would even see an occasional coffee table, saw horses and once in a blue moon an actual Lazy Boy. Though I think it is a meathead thing to do, I don’t remember hearing of any Chicago-based Meathead Purges of late. Could it have to do with Barack Obama being elected President? Are Chicagoans actually becoming egalitarians? What’s next? Total strangers looking each other in the eye and saying “hello” when passing each other on the street? 

Though this winter tradition has always annoyed me, I would like to ask Chicagoans to participate in it for just one more year. I’m hoping to find six new (to me) dining room chairs by winters end, people! And those of you who are already participating in the Chair-Leaving Parking Program, do you think you could put out something a little better than those white Rubbermaid outdoor chairs? C’mon now! How am I supposed to put those in my dining room?

Why Is My Landlady Sitting In The Snow In -41° Cold?

That’s her on the right upper half edge of the picture, my landlady, sitting on a yellow paint bucket… in the snow… it’s negative 41 degrees with the windchill outside. I don’t know what she’s doing or why, but that’s par for the course around here.